Year 13 and Year 11
Results Days reminder and update – 13th and 20th August
How results will be awarded this year
The publication of grades this year is the end of a national process where schools were asked to decide most likely grades for students in each subject, taking into account the progress that each of you had made through your time studying in Year 13 for A Levels and Year 11 for GCSE.
These grades were put in rank order, by grade, for each subject and sent to the exam boards. Working with Ofqual, the exam boards have applied a standardisation process to all schools and this is how the grades that you pick up in August will be arrived at. Even though grades have been awarded differently this year, they will look exactly the same as any other year on the results slips and your certificates. The results you see will be your final calculated grade - this may not be the same as the centre assessment grade (CAG) submitted by the school because it will have been standardised.
As part of this process, staff cannot discuss the grade or rank order that was submitted with either yourself or parents before results day. There will be information available on results day when you pick up your envelope about how you can apply for the centre assessed information.
There is a video guide here explaining the process: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EX5STb0qbGI and a student guide here:
Results Days August 2020
Many schools have decided to send results home to students via email this year. We feel it is important to invite you into school in person on both results days. We have the space to do this whilst observing social distancing and will be able to have the same processes in place as we have through the summer term to minimise contact and avoid risk regarding Covid-19. Students in Year 11 and Year 13 had an abrupt end to their studies and therefore it will be great to be able to see you again in person and offer any advice on the day as we normally would. You will be able to talk to your teachers, although we would ask you to maintain social distancing at all times.
Results will be available for collection from 8am.
We would like you to come into the school building through:
The café doors on A Level results day if you are in Y13
The café doors for Year 11 with surnames A-L on GCSE results day
The dining doors from the Year 7 yard for Year 11 with surnames M-Z on GCSE results day
Tables will be spaced out throughout the café and dining area for you to pick up results.
You will exit the school building through the Communicate doors back onto the main yard.
You may be asked to queue on the yard, socially distanced, before entering the building.
You will need to arrive to collect results on your own. If parents wish to discuss results further, they will be able to make a telephone appointment by calling the main school office.
If you have Covid-19 symptoms, or there is someone in your house who does, please do not come to the school building. Contact the school office who will discuss your results collection with you.
You should plan your travel to school carefully, minimising contact and maintaining social distancing.
Please avoid congregating in large groups and please do not gather at the entrance to the school site at the gate or near any doors. This is to keep our staff and yourselves safe.
If you are unable to collect your results in person and need to make other arrangements, please contact Ms Smith, our exams officer. Any results that are not collected will be posted out.
6th Form Enrolment – Friday 21st August – 10am-12pm
*REMINDER* Enrolment Day for our 6th form will be held as normal (observing social distancing) the day after GCSE results day, between 10am-12pm. If you cannot attend, but would like to enrol, please get in touch with Mr Williams to arrange an alternative appointment.
If you enrol, you will need to have your photograph taken before you leave (for your ID card/pass); this will take place in the main hall.
Even if you are unsure about whether you have the results needed for our courses, please come and talk to us. We would love to see you back in the 6th form.