School reopens to students on Wednesday 2nd September (Year 7 only)

Monday 31st August: Bank Holiday (school closed) 

Tuesday 1st September: Staff training day (school closed to students) 

Wednesday 2nd September: Year 7 induction day (Year 7 only in school) 

Thursday 3rd September: Year 7 induction (full day of lessons); NE12 6th form induction (8.30am-10.30am Year 12 induction; 1.30-2.15pm Year 13 induction) 

Friday 4th September: Years 8-11 tutor half day (Year 7 not in school) 8.30am-11.15 for Year 8 & 9 and 12.15-3.00pm for Year 10 & 11 (students will have a break but there will be no lunch provision). 

Y12 familiarisation visits for those travelling to George Stephenson High School starting at 9am 

Monday 7th September: Lessons start for Y7-13