Please check your inbox regarding this school comms message sent today (3.11.21)
Vaccinations - Friday 5th November
Dear Parents/Carers,
I can only apologise for the following message which has been received with no notice or warning from the vaccinations team today.
Today at 1.45pm I received a phone call from the Newcastle Vaccinations Team advising that we need to issue new electronic consent forms to over-ride the original consent forms we sent out prior to half term. This is because a different team will be in school to administer vaccines and legally consent needs to be sought again.
They have given us less than 24 hrs turnaround and are asking for consent from parents by 12pm tomorrow via this link:
The attached letter explains in more detail why consent has to be sought again.
I know you will share my annoyance and frustration at these 11th hour changes and the fact you are being asked to do this for a second time. The organisation of this is completely outside of my control as Headteacher.
Please only complete the consent form if a) your child will be aged 12-15 on Friday 5th November and you would like them to be vaccinated for flu and/or Covid; b) they have not had the vaccine/s already at a walk in centre over half term.
You can of course choose not to have your child vaccinated on Friday now that the government roll-out for 12-15 year olds has been extended outside of school sites.
I fully acknowledge that this adds to parental admin but can only apologise again. We will not be given another date unless we agree to send this out today, and I know some families will be relying on this service being offered on the school site.
Please avoid calling the school office to discuss or give consent over the phone - we are still incredibly understaffed in school due to Covid and other absence and will not be able to take calls related to this.
Kind regards
Kelly Holbrook