Year 10 Remote Parents Evening - Wednesday 21st April 2021
Before the holidays in my end of term letter, I mentioned that a date for your diaries was Wednesday 21st April for our first remote parents evening. This will be a new experience for all of us as we hold parents evening remotely via video call for the first time, using an online platform called School Cloud. All of our parents evenings will be held in this way for the foreseeable future.
There are lots of benefits to running this evening remotely: an easy booking system; the option to have parents from different households in the same call; no time spent waiting for appointment slots; and the option to ask specific questions or raise issues in advance. We hope that you will find the system easy to navigate and appreciate any feedback you have about the experience after the event via our questionnaire (the link for this will be sent to you after April 21st).
The booking system will go live at 4pm on Wednesday 14th April and will close at 7pm on Tuesday 20th April. Appointments are 5 minutes in length and you can opt to make an appointment with any of your child’s teachers.
You should have received an email with a one-page step-by-step user guide attached for accessing the system and making appointments.
The link to go to first for our school’s platform is: https://longbenton.schoolcloud.co.uk/
This link takes you to instructions on how to attend appointments on the evening itself:
If you have any problems accessing the system or making appointments, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the school.
Kelly Holbrook