Vacancy: Special Education Needs Coordinator (SENCO)
Salary Grade: MPS - UPS
TLR1c: £10,839 (at Sept 20)
Contract Type: Permanent/Full Time
Start date: September 2021
Full application pack on the 'Join Us' section of our website here: https://longbenton.org.uk/job-vacancies
We have a rare and exciting opportunity for a SENCO to join our school and have a pivotal role in transforming the learning and lives of our students. We are seeking an enthusiastic, forward thinking individual. You will be an experienced SEND practitioner who will lead, manage and oversee the day-to-day operation of the school’s SEND policy and strategy. You will have proven and demonstrable SEN experience and will hold the National Award in Special Educational Needs Coordinator (or be willing to gain accreditation). We will be pleased to invest in the development of the right candidate. No matter your career stage, we are interested in talking with you about this crucial role in our school.
The successful candidate will be passionate about inclusion, a champion for all students with SEND and an advocate for some of our most vulnerable students, both pastorally and from a needs perspective. You will be positive, resilient, approachable and a good communicator, as you will be required to liaise with students, staff, parents/carers and external agencies. You will work closely with curriculum leaders and year leaders as part of our middle leadership team. You will be responsible for reviewing and developing intervention and teaching and learning strategies to support best practice in the classroom. The successful candidate will be someone who can inspire a team of TAs and other professionals to make a positive difference to the lives of all students with SEN or a disability, providing them with the level of support and challenge that will see them achieve their full potential.
This is a full-time post with a teaching timetable (the ability to teach a humanities or technology subject is desirable but not essential).
Longbenton High School has a new headteacher and deputy headteacher, a growing school roll and a bright future. We have a fantastic new building, with outstanding facilities. Our school values centre around kindness, positivity, honesty, determination, manners and ambition. We are in North Tyneside, on the eastern outskirts of Newcastle upon Tyne, with great transport links. Our school community is very special; visitors are always incredibly impressed with our young people.
The successful applicant will be joining a school with a supportive learning environment and in the knowledge that they will enjoy the full support and care of the pragmatic and forward-thinking leadership team. We have a dynamic, innovative team of professional staff who want to make a difference to the lives, aspirations and opportunities of our young people. We would encourage applicants to visit our website to find out more and watch our promotional film, which gives you a sense of what we are all about.
Your application should be made after reading the job description and person specification and you will use the application to tell us how your current skills and experience fit the requirements and why you think you would be suited to this role.
In order to follow social distancing guidance, visits to the school are not possible at this time, but we would be happy to arrange a telephone discussion or video call with a member of our Senior Leadership Team to share our vision for this role with you. To arrange such a discussion, or for any other queries about the role, please email Rowan Standish, Headteacher PA, at RS@longbenton.org.uk
Please ensure that your application (letters no more than 2 sides of A4) details how your experience and expertise meets the job description and person specification and shows why you are best placed to lead on SEND in our school. The completed application should be sent to RS@longbenton.org.uk
Closing date for applications: Noon on Thursday 11th February 2021.
Interviews: Week commencing 22nd March 2021
Longbenton High School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. This post is subject to an enhanced DBS clearance.