Holocaust Memorial Day commemorative event
Friday 29th January 2021 at 10am
This event features contributions from the Elected Mayor, Young Mayor and schools across the borough. There is also an keynote presentation from Trevor Avery, curator of the Lake District Holocaust Project, which remembers the story of the child survivors of the Holocaust who arrived in Ambleside in 1945 from Auschwitz.
In order to access these events please use, https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHUA51zy5BDQ9fazo5CC2aDcY0mpykmd8
The National Holocaust Memorial event takes place via, https://www.hmd.org.uk on Wednesday 27th January at 7pm if you would like to follow this.
These recordings will be available to view indefinitely in order to support schools as a teaching material and additional resources may also be found at;
Below you can watch the virtual presentation some of our Year 12s completed last term as part of their enrichment for History/Philosophy. This will be shown as part of the local authority's 'virtual' events for Holocaust Memorial Day. The students had a 3 minute limit and worked brilliantly to produce this with and very little staff input!