Due to the continued high staff absence we are currently experiencing, it is with regret that we will need to put in place some temporary home learning for some year groups this week. You may be aware that Year 8 worked from home for two days last week.
The following rota will therefore remain in place this week:
- Year 7 work from home on Tuesday 20th & Wednesday 21st October (returning to school on Thursday and Friday)
- Year 9 work from home on Thursday 22nd & Friday 23rd October (returning to school after half term)
Years 8, 10, 11, 12 and 13 will remain in school all week as normal.
We would like to reassure parents that this staff absence is not all directly related to the cases in our school but is instead reflective of the high number of cases across our region, staff dealing with their own childcare issues, staff dealing with separate NHS track and trace alerts and non-Covid related absence/illness.
We appreciate that this will cause significant inconvenience to parents, but we have not taken this decision lightly. We have had to come to this decision due to the fact that staff absence affects our ability to open fully and operate safely to all year groups.
Clear instructions on work that needs to be completed at home will be sent out in due course and/or brought home with students.
Thank you for your continued patience and support.