We know that most of our students walk to school, but for those who travel by bus/metro, Nexus have asked us to communicate two specific points regarding travel to and from school:
Students should wear face coverings when using any public transport, including all buses dedicated to transport to and from schools, except where there is an exemption on health grounds. Bus drivers may refuse boarding to passengers without face coverings.
In many cases bus companies are providing duplicate vehicles immediately behind a normal bus to provide segregation for students. In these cases students will be directed to board the following vehicles which will have the letter ‘S’ displayed alongside the route number. Students may need to pay on the normal bus then walk round to the duplicate vehicle.
As the new term gets going, Nexus have also asked us to pass on the following general advice for travel:
Families should plan how their children will reach schools – walking and cycling where journeys are shorter, using a car for part of the journey but dropping off away from school gates, and identifying which public transport they can use if they need to.
There will be extra buses on many services going to or near schools, following established routes. These will include buses on busy routes so students can travel separately to other passengers.
Students using public transport should use a contactless card or have exact change to make their journey wherever possible - some operators also have mobile phone ticket apps that allow gifting from parents to a child's account; check operator websites for details.