



Ordering Numbers

The student is working towards developing understanding this topic.

Understanding how to use the number line to order positive and negative integers.

Order decimals on a number line. 

Order fractions.

Using equality and inequality symbols

The student is working towards developing understanding this topic.

Understanding what the symbols = < > mean

Use the symbol ≠

Use the symbols ≤ ≥

Comparing with percentages

The student is working towards developing understanding this topic.

Understanding that percentage means ‘number of parts out of 100’

Compare two quantities where one is a decimal, one is a percentage

Compare two quantities where one is a fraction, one is a percentage

Factors and multiples

The student is working towards developing understanding this topic.

Understanding the difference between a factor and a multiple

Use the concepts of  Highest Common Factor & Lowest Common Multiple 

Use the concepts and vocabulary of  HCF & LCM

Powers and roots

The student is working towards developing understanding this topic.

Understanding what a power and a root is

Use integer powers & associated real roots (square & cube)

Distinguish between exact representations of roots and their decimal approximations.

Negative arithmetic

The student is working towards developing understanding this topic.

Understanding that to apply the four operations to calculations involving negatives requires knowledge of how the presence of negative values affects the answer

Use one of the four operations with negatives

Use more than one of the four operations with negatives

Fraction arithmetic

The student is working towards developing understanding this topic.

Understanding that the four operations with fractions require knowledge of different methods to the four operations with integers

Use one of the four operations with fractions

Use more than one of the four operations with fractions

Order of operations

The student is working towards developing understanding this topic.

Understanding why it is important to have a priority of operations

Calculate a value using the order of operations (brackets and the four operations)

Calculate a value using the order of operations including powers and roots

Rounding to decimal places

The student is working towards developing understanding this topic.

Understand that rounding to given decimal places is the same mathematical process as rounding to 10,100,1000 etc

Round a number to 1 decimal place

Round measures to 2 or more decimal places

Ratio in its simplest form

The student is working towards developing understanding this topic.

Understanding what ratio notation means

Reduce a ratio to its simplest form

Reduce a ratio to its simplest form when conversion between units is required first

Dividing into a ratio

The student is working towards developing understanding this topic.

Understanding that an amount can be divided into a ratio

Divide a given quantity into two parts and give the amount of one part.

Express division into two parts as a ratio.

Expressing a quantity as a fraction of another

The student is working towards developing understanding this topic.

Understanding that one quantity can be expressed as a fraction of another

Express one quantity as  fraction/percentage of another where fraction is < 1

Express one quantity as  fraction/percentage of another where fraction is > 1

Using algebraic notation

The student is working towards developing understanding this topic.

Understanding why some algebraic expressions can be simplified using standard notation and others cannot

Interpret algebraic notation: ab(axb), 3y(y+y+y), a2 axa), a3( axaxa), a/b (a÷b)

Simplifying perimeter of shapes by writing them as algebraic expressions.

Language of algebra

The student is working towards developing understanding this topic.

Understanding that there are different words to describe different combinations of variables, constants and symbols

Know the difference between an expression, an equation and a term

Identify a coefficient, a variable and a constant in an algebraic expression

Expanding brackets

The student is working towards developing understanding this topic.

Understanding that a number directly before a bracket represents multiplying everything in the bracket by that number

Multiply a single term over a bracket

Simplify by collecting like terms after expanding two pairs of single brackets

Substituting into expressions

The student is working towards developing understanding this topic.

Understanding that substituting numbers into an algebraic expression will result in a value

Substitute positive numerical values into an algebraic expression

Substitute numerical values (positive & negative) into scientific formulae.  

Equations of lines parallel to axes

The student is working towards developing understanding this topic.

Understanding that by looking at commonalities of the coordinates of a straight line parallel to the axes, you can write the equation of that line

Recognise graphs of linear functions parallel to the axes

Sketch graphs of linear functions parallel to the axes

Equations of y=x & y=-x

The student is working towards developing understanding this topic.

Understanding that by looking at commonalities of the coordinates of a straight line y=x or y=-x, you can write the equation of that line

Recognise y=x or y=-x

Sketch y=x or y=-x

Solving linear equations

The student is working towards developing understanding this topic.

Understanding that solving equations means working out what the value of the unknown variable is

Use a process to solve a 1 step linear equation

Use a process to solve a 2 step linear equation

Term to term rule

The student is working towards developing understanding this topic.

Understanding that a sequence can be generated from a term to term rule and a starting number

Generate terms of a sequence from a term to term rule.

Identify if a sequence is arithmetic or geometric

Fibonacci sequences

The student is working towards developing understanding this topic.

Understanding how a Fibonacci sequence works

Recognise the Fibonacci sequence

Generate the terms of a Fibonacci sequence

Pie Charts

The student is working towards developing understanding this topic.

Understanding that to construct or interpret a pie chart accurately, you need to know the size of the angle that 1 person represents

Interpret a pie chart by working out the size of the angle that 1 person represents

Construct a pie chart by working out the size of the angle that 1 person represents

Mean & Mode

The student is working towards developing understanding this topic.

Understanding that mean and mode are ways to describe the average of a set of data

Calculate the mean or mode of a list of integers

Calculate the mean or mode from a table of ungrouped data

Median & range

The student is working towards developing understanding this topic.

Understanding why working out the range and median require ordering the data first

Calculate the median or range of a list of integers

Calculate the median or range from a table of ungrouped data

Properties of quadrilaterals

The student is working towards developing understanding this topic.

Understanding what makes a shape be a quadrilateral

Illustrate quadrilaterals based on given properties including side lengths and pairs of parallel lines, number of right angles

Illustrate quadrilaterals based on given properties including information about their diagonals

Properties of polygons

The student is working towards developing understanding this topic.

Understanding the word polygon

Know the difference between regular polygons and irregular polygons

Illustrate polygons (excluding quadrilaterals) based on given properties including name of shape, side lengths and number of sides

Congruent transformations

The student is working towards developing understanding this topic.

Understanding that a shape on a grid can be transformed to a congruent shape

Construct single transformations of shapes using translation, rotation & reflection

Identify and describe single transformations of shapes using translation, rotation & reflection

Labelling shapes with mathematical notation

The student is working towards developing understanding this topic.

Understanding the importance of labelling parts of shapes with correct mathematical notation

Know how to describe using mathematical notation: lines (eg ab), parallel, perpendicular lines, right angles.

Use standard conventions for labelling the sides & angles of triangle ABCabc

Plans and elevations

The student is working towards developing understanding this topic.

Understanding why a 3D shape needs front, side and plan view to show it in 2D

Interpret plans & elevations of 3D shapes 

Construct plans & elevations of 3D shapes 

Area of a trapezium

The student is working towards developing understanding this topic.

Understanding how to label the parts of a trapezium correctly to use in the formula 1/2(a+b)h

Calculate the area of a trapezium

Solve problems involving area of trapeziums.

Properties of 3D shapes

The student is working towards developing understanding this topic.

Understanding the definitions of face, edge, vertex (& vertices)

Identify properties from a transparent diagram (faces, surfaces, edges vertices) of cubes, cuboids, prisms, cylinders, pyramids, cones and spheres

List the properties when no diagram is given (faces, surfaces, edges vertices) of cubes, cuboids, prisms, cylinders, pyramids, cones and spheres

Volume of a cuboid

The student is working towards developing understanding this topic.

Understanding why calculating the volume of a cuboid requires the knowledge of height, length, width

Calculate the volume of a cuboid

Solve problems involving volumes of cuboids.

Angles in parallel lines

The student is working towards developing understanding this topic.

Understanding why a transversal intersecting parallel lines will always create the same set of 4 angles on all parallel lines

Use the relationship between parallel lines and a transversal to calculate a missing angle

Correctly use the definition of alternate or corresponding angles in a problem involving a missing angle

Language of probability

The student is working towards developing understanding this topic.

Understanding that situations can be described using a probability word

Use appropriate language to describe unequally likely outcomes.

Explaining why "it either does happen or it doesn't" should not be described as even chance (or 50/50)

Using a probability scale

The student is working towards developing understanding this topic.

Understanding that the likelihood of any situtation can be shown on a 0-1 probability scale

Record a situtation on a 0-1 probability scale

Record the frequency of outcomes on the 0-1 probability scale

Constructing Venn diagrams

The student is working towards developing understanding this topic.

Understanding why an item can always be placed into exactly one section of a Venn diagram

Enter items correctly into a Venn diagram

Using correct Venn notation, describe the elements in a given section of a Venn diagram